Special Appearances

#ShakeIt is honored to have been a part of the following events! 

Any trademarks, servicemarks, copyrighted materials, logos, and company names that appear in the following videos are the property of their respective owners and do not imply any sort of affiliation, endorsement, or sponsorship unless specifically stated or indicated. Videos document the activities of this advocacy/educational movement.

Event: International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals Symposium 2019

Date: February 9, 2019

Location: Palm Springs, CA

Organization/Cause: iaedp™


*#ShakeIt appeared during a keynote. Participants learned about how joy affects the brain and then EXPERIENCED IT!

Event: Cincinnati National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Walk 

Date: September 10, 2016

Location: Cincinnati, OH

Organization/Cause:  Tri-State Eating DIsorder Resource Team


*This NEDA Walk was filled with touching, motivating speeches (and dance!). Attendees and speakers honored hope...

Event: March Against Eating Disorders: MOM March presents #ShakeIt for Self-Acceptance!® on Capitol Hill

Date: October 27, 2015

Location: Washington, DC

Organization/Cause:  Alliance for Eating Disorders Awareness, Eating Disorders Coalition for Research, Policy & Action, and Mothers Against Eating Disorders


*The US MOM March was filled with moving speeches from the March Against Eating Disorders leaders, former Congressman Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island, and others. Attendees and speakers honored lives lost to eating disorders and celebrated those who have recovered and are pursuing recovery. Handmade "I March For" posters prominently displayed personal connections to the March, the illness, and hope. All this preceded Lobby Day when lobbying for the Anna Westin Act took place. It was an honor for #ShakeIt to play a role in the March day's events. We danced for those who cannot...

Photo by Joanna Kay

Video footage is compliments of www.JustEatMovie - A film by Laura Dyan Kezman

Event: Celebration of the opening of the town's new pedestrian bridge 

Date: May 2, 2015 

Location: Wickenburg, AZ

Organization/Cause:  Hosted by Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders and organized by Shannon Hershkowitz


*This flash mob delivered a message of self-acceptance and body positivity.  After the dance, Love Letters (to self) were distributed to the attendees. 

Event:  Social Media Committee presents...Flash Mob at the International Conference on Eating Disorders, Welcome Reception

Date:  April 23, 2015

Location:  Boston, MA

Organization/Cause:  Academy for Eating Disorders, International Conference on Eating Disorders. 


*Purpose of this flash mob was engagement and demonstration of the professional outreach of social media.

Event:  NEDA Walk, Santa Monica

Date:  March 7, 2015

Location:  Santa Monica, CA.  

Organization/Cause:  National Eating Disorders Association, flash mob "live" reprise


*This was a spontaneous reprise of the dance to “I’m Original” as Auburn Road sang it live. Many of the participants from the February 28th event were present and burst into dance as the song began. Thanks, Jerry Caldwell, for the footage!  

DISCLAIMER: The #ShakeIt for Self-Acceptance!® movement does not endorse any organizations, products, firms, individuals, or services. It is your responsibility to research and make informed decisions for yourself.

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